India band LoRa module - low power
DSPWorks’ India band LoRa module named PatrIoT, offering high transmit power at lower power consumption.
- LoRa and FSK technology supported
- Class A and Class C LoRa mode operations
- LoRaWAN Protocol Stack available
- 30dBm Transmit Power
- -136 dBm Receiver sensitivity
- Low Receiver current consumption : <20mA
- Standby mode current consumption : <100uA
- Sleep mode current consumption : 42uA
- Available for India free band, 865MHz to 867 MHz
- On board powerful CortexM3 MCU
- Available ports : 2 UART, 3 USART, 2 I2C, 3 SPI, 9 ADC & 9 GPIO (configurable)
- AT commands available providing immediate deployment and quick prototyping
1W/ 30dBm India band LoRa module
DSPWorks’ India band LoRa module named CharIoT2.1, offering lower power consumption and cost efficient LoRa module
- LoRa and FSK technology supported
- Class A and Class C LoRa mode operations
- LoRaWAN Protocol Stack available
- >21.5 dBm Transmit Power
- -120 dBm Receiver sensitivity
- Peak Transmit current consumption: 120mA
- Low Receiver current consumption: <20mA
- Sleep mode current consumption: 2.4uA
- Available for India free band, 865MHz to 867 MHz
- On board powerful CortexM0+, STM32L0
- Available ports: USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC & GPIOs (configurable)
- AT commands available providing immediate deployment and quick prototyping
Locate anywhere
Low Power GPS Tracker
- GPS tracker over the LoRa/ GSM/ NBIoT
- Amiable to any global LoRa gateway or TTN gateway
- Plug & Play APIs
- Geo-fencing, panic button
- Standby Current <30uA for a long battery life
- Option for primary or rechargeable batteries
- Cloud-MQTT based library
- Integrated with Temperature, Pressure, Humidity

IoT for efficiency in your financial processes
Automatic Meter Reading
- Retro-Fit Solution for
Gas, Water, Energy Meters for AMR applications - Configure notifications for usage Tamper detection
- Improve efficiency
- Pilferage detection
- Deployed/ Proven design
Create your own Network
IoT in Adventure Sports
- Does not require infrastructure networks
- CUG Audio and Data Messaging
- Real-time GPS location sharing
- Simple use case with Smartphone app
- Geo-fencing with alarm and notification
- Dynamic Group Creation
- License exempt band
- Long range (10+ km) at low power
- Last known location with multiple users

the Internet of drives - Alexa take me home?
Automotive IoT
- IoT device have BLE interface to remotely lock/ unlock the vehicle.
- Relay interface to immobilize/mobilize the vehicle over air.
- Many sense input like Fuel, odometer, ignition and battery level indicator.
- GSM to send all these data to server and get information for server.
- GPS/GNSS device to get the live location of the vehicle.